For those of you who believe in Vastu Shastra and base every major choice in your life on it, you must understand how to apply Vastu in a way that would bring prosperity to your business. Finally, you want to make a lot of money.

Each individual wants their business to thrive and flourish in the market, but there are times when things simply do not go as planned, and that is fine; such is life. It’s full of highs and lows.

Let me tell you an interesting fact: a business can only be successful if it has achieved the ideal balance of the five elements – earth, sky, air, water, and fire. All of these factors are critical to the success of your business. If you run a shop, the following are some ideas to bear in mind when making a decision that will ultimately change your life for the better.

People generally believe that only shops facing north and east may give good business, while those facing south and west are not as successful. This assertion is not correct. Shops facing south and west have strong business and future prospects. Vastu Shastra contains numerous ways that you can use in your life to achieve positive business results.

Here are some Vastu tips to attract customers and make your business a big hit among the audiences

1. Put the idol of the god in the correct place

      Make sure to place the god’s idol in an appropriate location. The vast majority of us begin any new initiative in our lives with a pooja, therefore make it a point to have a spiritual space at your business or shop. We hope you pay attention to the location of the god’s idol in all of your future undertakings.

      If you set the god’s idol in the improper location, it will have negative consequences for both the work and the revenues. According to Vastu experts, an individual’s temple or pooja chamber should always face Eshan Kon, or east.

      2. Have a clear entry

        Are you one of those people that likes to decorate the entrance of their shop, or do you prefer to keep things simple and minimalistic?

        To improve your business, you must clear the entry of your office or shop, which means you should not place any pots or other decorative materials at the main door of the location.

        According to experts, you should not display anything at the entrance of your office or business because it would limit the number of opportunities that come your way. To achieve the best results, remove any decorative items from your home’s main entrance as quickly as possible. The main entry to your business, shop, or office should be as transparent as water.

        3. The direction of the Owner’s seat

          Where you sit at your office has a significant impact on the success of your business. I know you might think it’s silly and meaningless, but let me assure you that it is critical. The owner’s room should always face south-west, or the person might sit facing north.

          Click here to grow your shop business

          Another important element is that the temple should not be located behind the owner at any cost. Never set god’s idols in the rear of your seat or room. Make sure there is a plain wall behind your seat.

          4. Position of the washrooms

            When discussing the success of a new business, washroom are sometimes seen negatively. It is critical to have the washrooms in the proper location to avoid any complications in the workplace. The washrooms should always be located in the northwest or southwest direction, or they will block financial growth in your business.

            5. Furniture present at the shop or office

              If you have any furniture in the workspace, make sure it is not uneven or L-shaped, as this can have a detrimental impact on growth. I understand you may be wondering what type of furniture is most significant for increasing the possibilities of business success. Ladies and gentlemen, choose square or rectangular furniture for your office.

              6. The North way

                Don’t forget to check that the north direction is always clear. It should not have any distractions. Do not position anything in this direction, which represents the element of fire, and never paint this area red. Another important guideline is to never place a pantry near this area.

                7. The lighting at the workspace

                  Lighting is one of the most important variables influencing the success of a business. Regardless, your office or shop should have adequate illumination. Make sure your workspace has the best lighting possible. For example, if there is currently no good lighting at your location, you can install some good lighting to improve your productivity and work.

                  Good lighting creates an environment conducive to positive vibes, which is essential in our hectic lives. On the other hand, improper lighting will invite negativity into your office. So get bright light for a better future. This will undoubtedly benefit your business in the future. If you want to buy a new real estate property for your business, look for a location with decent ventilation, plenty of windows, and natural light.

                  8. The colors of the wall

                    Choosing the right wall colors for your workplace or shop is also important for business success. The colors used on the office walls will have a direct impact on the overall working environment.

                    So, while deciding on the colors for the walls of your business or office, I would simply advise you to use colors that are attractive to the eye, as you will be in the workplace for roughly one-third of the day. Choose hues like white, blue, and grey for your business or workplace because they are attractive and sophisticated. It will spread positivity and lead to business success.

                    Don’t choose colors that you can’t stare at for an extended amount of time, such as red, orange, or even black, because they will cast a dark shadow over the entire space. A bright color is bold and noticeable, but not dark. Be playful and paint the walls of your office in bright colors.